Featured Projects
Sport & Recreation projects come with interesting challenges that stimulate and engage our team. Our team’s extensive experience on these projects has allowed the development of specific skills and knowledge in areas such as:
- Complex basement structures adjacent to sensitive structures.
- Large span structures to achieve open plan spaces for functionality and flexibility for recreational and sporting events.
- Vibration-sensitive design for suspended floors subject to human vibration.
- Engaging with project principal, key stakeholders, government bodies, user groups, consultants, D & C subcontractors and peer reviewers throughout the project.
- Careful planning and staging of existing facilities for alterations and additions to minimise disruption to users and allow uninterrupted operation of existing facilities.
- Future-proofing structures to meet project principal requirements and accommodate re-augmentation or expansion.
- Sustainable design using solar panels and other energy-efficient systems to reduce overall operating costs throughout the design life.
- Coordination with services consultants to integrate and route building services vertically and horizontally through structure.
- Crowd impact loading considerations to balustrades.
- Engaging with user groups to better understand the project requirements for functionality and sustainability.
- Full BIM integration with design team.